Cleaning Services

Bring a Sense of Safety Back to You, Your Home, or Your Organization Today
Viral and bacterial infections are a constant threat today and always have been. We are just now experiencing what many scientists said would happen sooner or later – COVID-19. A pandemic.What do we do now?
Coronavirus is not one virus; but a family of viruses, that can cause anything from the common cold to respiratory issues, in both animals and people alike. The 2019 novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) is a new strain of one of those viruses, which has now led to the global crisis we are dealing with today. While significant efforts have been made to address the development of a vaccine, at this time there is no known preventative medicines available. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, “Non-pharmaceutical intervention would be the most important response strategy” in limiting the spread of this virus. Decades of studies and practical experience further have shown that effective control of infectious agents in the population requires a nearly equal combination of adjusting people’s behavior, and taking additional steps to stop the spread of contamination from one surface to another. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, secondary exposure from infected surfaces will most likely be more of a problem where the droplets from sneezing will remain on hard surfaces for a considerable period. Estimates currently being released by the CDC seem to believe that this virus may remain viable for up to 9 days on solid surfaces, as opposed to 3 days as is the case for normal influenza viruses. While currently not enough data exists to validate disease transmission from solid surfaces, initial indications from all the experts are that prolonged exposure to contamination surfaces does lead to higher infection rates. Understanding and limiting direct exposure or secondary exposures are how we limit the spread of this virus. Properly cleaning surfaces and applying disinfectant are important risk mitigation techniques for all building owners. Our services are developed to address this secondary human transmission, through cleaning of facilities non-porous surfaces, to prevent further spread from the surfaces within the same building. At AmeriPro we are trying to help our clients and provide solutions to assist with this issue. From offices, to coffee shops, to your current home, or before you move into your new home, our Level 1, preventative / preemptive clean/apply disinfectant is a risk mitigation process to limit the spread of secondary exposure. Enhanced cleaning of touch points and application of disinfectant to accessible surfaces is covered in addition. Let us help you bring some sense of safety back to your home or organization with our Level 1 Decontamination and Disinfectant services to hard surfaces. Schedule your service online or call 1-888-331-0176.Overview of Disinfectant/Cleaning Services
We have always believed that a good offense is a better defense, and have approached our strategy with the Coronavirus, COVID-19 in the same manner for those looking for professional disinfection methods. Our disinfectant/cleaning program can provide you with the sense of safety that you have done everything in your power to limit the spread and exposure of this virus. Whether you are a homeowner, lessee, building owner, or landlord, we can help you with our disinfecting services. We are utilizing EPA approved products for the fight against the Coronavirus spread. We follow all OSHA regulations and ensure all our technicians are highly trained. We offer an array of cleaning/disinfecting solutions with EPA approved products, all of which have been approved against the fight of COVID-19 and other viruses. Here is an example of the contaminants approved for the EPA/FDA products we are utilizing.- Human Coronavirus* (EPA has determined that this product is effective against SARS-CoV-2, the cause of COVID-19)
- Hantavirus
- Hepatitis B Virus (HBV)
- Hepatitis C Virus (HCV Herpes Simplex) Type 1 Virus (ATCC VR260)
- HIV-1 (AIDS Virus)
- Influenza A/Brazil Virus
- Influenza A H1N1 Virus(Strain A/PR/8/34 and ATCC VR-1469
Preparing for Our Cleaning Service
Whether we are scheduled weekly, monthly or for a one-time service, our clients are always advised to clear all horizontal surfaces as much as possible to allow our technician to apply the decontamination and sanitization solution to the areas concerned, especially most touched. Our products, while able to be applied to other surfaces, are most effective on hard, non-porous surfaces. Food must be stored away in a sealed container. People and animals must be out of the space during the application. Once the service is complete the solution must be allowed to dry in each area before reuse. Depending on solution chosen, this can be almost immediately or up to ten minutes. However, the space must be vacated for approximately 30-120 minutes depending on the solution utilized. Schedule your service online or call us at 1-888-331-0176.Our Clients
Whether you are an employer trying to protect your staff and customers as much as practically possible, or a homeowner looking to ensure a sense of safety at home, this decontamination service will help relieve the fear of the unknown and provide a sense of peace for all concerned. Our service can be used in many situations including but not limited to:Commercial Places of Work
Schools, daycares, churches, gyms, retail, fire stations, and banks can rest assured knowing that we have the equipment and knowledge to treat large spaces effectively.Homeowners
Your home is now your school, your work, your play, and so much more. The demands on your indoor air quality is being pushed to the limit.Property Managers and End of Lease Preparation
We are available to do pre-move in treatments for your tenants. They can rest assured their new home is clean and sanitary.Business Owners
Business Owners will have the peace of mind that they have done what they can do to protect their clients and employees while keeping the doors open.Real Estate
Provide the added peace of mind to new homeowners prior to closing. AmeriPro CleanRoutine is the link between agents, buyers, sellers and a renewed sense of security within their homes.Commercial Real Estate/Commercial Properties
Current tenants, communal areas, new tenants etc.Builders and New Construction
Provide the added peace of mind to all your new homeowners prior to closing Our services can be provided as a one-time precautionary measure, or under a scheduled monthly/annual/bi-annual contract. We have capacity to complete small and large structures and spaces and will meet the needs of all our clients.Services
We offer precautionary decontamination services in addition to deep cleaning services, the latter associated with occupations where positive identification of COVID-19 is confirmed or where clients request deep cleaning services as a precautionary measure, such as those for business purposes. Here is an overview of each service.
CleanRoutine Level 1 – Precautionary Disinfect/Cleanse Program
This includes a decontamination of all surfaces and wipe down with an EPA approved solution, utilizing misting, fogging and cleansing methods.
We offer two solutions, both of which are approved by EPA for the fight against Coronavirus, each varying in disinfecting times and wait times upon completion. All trained technicians will utilize approved tools and equipment, including foggers/misters, PPE etc.
Our product selection controls COVID-19 by targeting the SARS-CoV-2 strain, which is the root cause of COVID-19.
Using specialized equipment for interior disinfecting and sanitizing, technicians apply the EPA registered products by misting/fogging power equipment. This application is the most common and deemed safe for electronics, porous and non-porous surfaces.
Technicians will identify the most touched surfaces and explain the entire process to the client before commencing services.
This service is offered as:
- One time
- Weekly
- Monthly
- Annually
- Bi-Annually
Additional services that can be added to this precautionary program include:
- HEPA vacuum of porous surfaces
- Air testing
Call our office for additional details and costs associated with the same.
CleanRoutine Level 2 – Deep Cleaning / Disinfecting Services – Precautionary
This level of service will be based on the type of service request concerned.
Currently there are two service requests: one for when a COVID-19 test was confirmed within a building or home; or one where circumstances dictate a deep cleaning service, such as a business or home with elderly, or those with underlying conditions.
This service requires a full review of each building and development of a disinfectant / cleaning protocol to be created, and it will include air scrubbers, HEPA vacuums, air testing, scrubbing, decontamination and sanitization process, and much more. This process will be utilized for organizations where a positive COVID-19 case has been identified.
CleanRoutine Level 3 – Deep Cleaning / Disinfecting Services – Confirmed Exposure
This department of this service will be based on the type of service request concerned.
- 24/7 Scheduling
- After hours and weekend services are available for all business clients.
- Dense / Vacant Properties
- Preparation and completion of projects will vary in time, based on how dense the property is and its occupation. Density here relates to how many offices, compartments, etc. Costs increase based on the time needed to service the same.
- Occupied/Unoccupied Properties
- Unoccupied properties will take less time to complete than furnished / occupied properties. Our pricing structure takes this into consideration.
- Pricing/Quotes/Proposals
- Pricing is based on single and multiple buildings and businesses. For commercial projects please call our office for full details or request a quote online for an inspection of your property.
- Additional Option – Indoor Air Quality Testing
- This preventive service can test the air quality of your home or building for microbial purposes only. It does require a minimum of two tests – one interior, and at least one interior, depending on the size of your home or building. This is not a form of medical testing.
- Additional Option – Soft Surface Cleaning
- This service includes the cleaning of all soft surfaces, clothes, and other porous materials and belongings. The service is performed by textile restoration companies, and we can provide references for this specific service.
A trained technician will assess your home or facility and prepare a plan for the cleaning and disinfecting service. Commercial structures will require more planning based on availability of the building or respective areas of the building. Out of hours treatments may be needed.
Our technicians will comply with all OSHA requirements, will be prepared with all Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), will properly dispose of all used materials and disinfect all tools and equipment at the end of every job. This is for both precautionary and deep cleaning mitigation projects.
Our technicians will analyze each project before commencing, speak with the building owner/manager and determine all high touch points first, and take necessary reporting photographs. The technician will review the service authorization and agreement with you, and after review will prepare and start the cleaning process.
At all times, the technician will be as least intrusive as possible. All technicians are compassionate about their services and YOUR property.
Preparing for Our Pre-Emptive Services
Here are some tips to prepare for our service as schedule:
- Clear all horizontal surfaces and make each area accessible for the fogging/misting services. For commercial properties, clear desks and restaurant equipment. Make the area to be cleaned/fogged as clear as possible.
- Ensure all porous materials, foods etc. are stored in sealed containers and removed from horizontal surfaces and floors.
- Be prepared to exit your home or building, for a period of 30 minutes – 2 hours while the fogging solution is drying, depending on product offering chosen.
Post Cleaning – Behavioral Changes
Our clients must not immediately wipe down surfaces sprayed for at least thirty minutes after treatment. Clients with sensitivity to allergies should consider longer periods if necessary to be out of the home or building to prevent any reaction to the solutions used.
Our clients must also understand the necessity to enact procedures to prevent re-contamination once the cleaning has taken place.
During past viral outbreaks, the behavior component on infection control was mostly voluntary. People were advised to stay at home if they were sick, educated to cover their cough and sneezing and encouraged to wash their hands regularly. Today, the Centers for Disease and Prevention has supplemented these voluntary approaches with cancellation of activities, closures of schools, colleges, businesses, travel restrictions, and more. Participation from everyone is required to assist with the containment effort to slow the spread of the virus.
Clients must understand that cleaning services from any company, irrespective of the level of cleaning, does not take away the requirements of the same responsible practices within your home, building or organization. Behavioral changes to match what the latest CDC announcements must be maintained. For organizations and public buildings, ensuring enough CDC notices for both employees and customers about distancing from each other are all still required post-cleaning. Our clients must understand that once cleaning is complete, an area can be contaminated again at any time from visitors, pets, airborne contaminants, and more.
Our cleaning is also conducted to accessible areas and hard surfaces. If these surfaces are not accessible, or owners’ belongings are not removed, these will affect the effectiveness of our service. Proper preparation is always recommended by our scheduling staff.
All clients should properly prepare for the cleaning service, ensuring all horizontal surfaces are clean, floors are clean, carpets are vacuumed, and clothes and belongings are put away to enable proper fogging/misting and cleaning to be conducted. Moreover, clients need to make sure they maintain their behavioral changes to minimize the effect of viral spread after cleaning.
Note: Currently there are no EPA / FDA solutions approved for COVID-19 based on the timelines of this virus. We are utilizing only products listed on the EPA’s List N, which includes products that meet EPA’s criteria for use against SARS-CoV-2, the novel Coronavirus that causes COVID-19. Contractors are applying the same processes – clean and disinfect – and products for similar applications / disinfecting processes, with mixtures based on the manufacturer’s recommendations.
AmeriPro makes no warranties or guarantees, express or implied, that our cleaning services will either eliminate or stop the spread of any virus.
24/7 Scheduling
We are available 24/7 to deliver scheduled, precautionary, and emergency response to accommodate our clients needs for treatments/services outside of normal business hours. Schedule your service online today or call 1-888-331-0176.Homeowner Tips
Our thoughts and prayers are with everyone at this time as we all come to terms with the changes to our lifestyle and the enormous human impact of this crises.
With schools and business’s closing, our homes are becoming places of education, work, play and so much more. The dynamics of our homes use and the relationship between you and your home is now much different. You may or will be spending more time indoors, cooking more, running electronics more, cleaning more than many of us have ever seen. The internal aspects of your home are more than ever important for every homeowner to understand. The changes to the indoor environment must be managed just as much as we manage our everyday CDC recommendations, to ensure there are no adverse reactions to the indoor air quality and health of your home.
Here are some tips to apply during this time of change.
Bring Fresh Air In – Open Windows
EPA refers to the air quality of a home in relation to the health and comfort of the building occupants. Residential homes are being constructed with minimum infiltration from the exteriors and HVAC systems. For the most part, new homes do not have direct outdoor air intake. Homeowners have to rely on other measures such as infiltration throughout the building structure, mechanical systems, or simply opening windows and doors.
Understanding that increasing the outdoor air coming into homes will control the levels of pollutants and odors, all of which can impact the indoor air quality (contaminants being diluted with new outside air). Maintaining air changes within your home is essential.
While the temptation is to keep all doors and windows closed as the temperature rises, moving to a planned strategy to crack open windows on two sides of the house will help to maintain fresh air throughout day. Two windows, one on each side of the home, can he left open a half inch to maintain fresh air and ventilation throughout the day. By allowing ample air changes, you can maintain the health, quality, and comfort of your home, while at the same time controlling the levels of pollutants.
Turn on Your Fans
Kitchen and bathroom fans are designed to remove air to the exterior, that can cause harmful microbial or indoor air quality issues. Homeowners should be running these fans proactively for 20 minutes after each shower, cooking, cleaning, painting, etc. to ensure the indoor air quality in your home is maintained.
Air Conditioning Filtration
Now more than ever we need to ensure the air conditioner filters are changed regularly. Moreover, some filters are more effective against contaminant/pollutant filtration of the indoor air and homeowners should consider upgrading their filters with products that are designed to catch more contaminants, such as the MERV 13 filter.
Chemicals and Cleaning Solutions
We are all cleaning more and more than ever before. However, homeowners need to understand that common household chemicals add to the VOC (Volatile Organic Compound) load of your house and the chemical burden on your body. Mixing chemicals can further escalate potential issues. Selection of your cleaning solutions should be always based on low toxicity today. Fans can ensure proper ventilation as outlined above.
Regular Maintenance
This is not the time to delay home maintenance. Plumbing leaks can lead to air quality issues. All appliances should be maintained to manufacturer’s specifications. HVAC services and cleaning can enhance the indoor comfort and air quality of the home.
Helpful Links
- Coronavirus (COVID-19); CDC
- Florida Department of Health Tool Kit; Videos and Fliers You Can Use at Your Business
- Latest Florida Outbreak Stats
- Update: Public Health Response to the Coronavirus Disease 2019 Outbreak — United States, February 24, 2020; CDC
- How to Protect Yourself; CDC
- What To Do if You Are Sick; CDC
- Coronavirus; WHO
- Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) advice for the public; WHO
- Here’s how long the coronavirus will last on surfaces, and how to disinfect those surfaces; LIVESCIENCE
- EPA information About COVID-19, Including List of Disinfectants for Use
- White House COVID-19 Recommendations
- Staying at Home Advice